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The Earl's Nemesis Page 4

  Theodosia nodded. “I understand. So, I’m told that you and I are going somewhere?”

  “Oh! Yes, I hope you will love it. We are going on a picnic. I really want to get to know you. From there, we shall go the Opera where my brother will be joining us.”

  Theodosia smiled. “It has been a while since I last went on a picnic or to an opera.”

  “Well then, you are in the right place. First, let us go eat our breakfast, today will be fun-filled for you.”


  Indeed, Luanne was right. They had gone through half of the town together where she showed her all the things she needed to know about the town. Finally they settled in a park to have their little picnic.

  It was late in the afternoon and everywhere was cool. There were people having nice times around their park. The two ladies were sitting at the foot of a tree.

  “So, my brother thinks you are afraid of him,” Luanne stated after a while.

  Theodosia colored but adjusted. She was getting used to Luanne. “I am not really afraid of Lord Barton, I am just embarrassed.”

  “Embarrassed?” Luanne asked, “why would you be?”

  “The state of everything. My father gambling me off, he must think I was desperate for a man.”

  “Nonsense. My brother is not someone like that at all. Still I daresay, if you get to know him, you would like him a lot.”

  Theodosia smiled. That was the second time she would hear that.

  “Tell me about your father,” Luanne said to her.

  Theodosia frowned. She hadn’t expected that. “My father?” she asked.

  “Yes, you seem really surprised.”

  “Well, no one has ever asked me to tell them about my father before, hence my surprise.”

  “With the way you just spoke, I can tell you are not really fond of him,” Luanne stated.

  Theodosia smiled. “My father and I are not what you would describe as being close. We do not see eye to eye on most things. I am sure you can see that already or I wouldn’t be here.”

  Luanne smiled. “I am sorry about that. What about your mother?”

  “She is well.”

  “What did she do about the whole thing when she heard of what happened?”

  “My mother could do little; after all, he is her husband. Nevertheless, she is looking out for me.”

  Luanne reached for her hand which she squeezed firmly. “I assure you, we are going to be a great family. You know I have always wanted a sister, and now that you are here, I am certain that we shall be best friends.”

  Theodosia smiled. “I am happy to hear that. I have always wanted a sister too. I shouldn’t hate him so much, he has after all given me one thing I have always wanted—a sister.”

  “And a husband,” Luanne stated with a smile but Theodosia only colored. This made Luanne laugh.

  “I still find it really strange,” Theodosia stated.

  “That is because you are not yet used to him and that reminds me of the opera. Quickly into the carriage before we miss it.”

  The two ladies hurried towards the carriage which had been waiting for them all along.


  Theodosia climbed down the carriage with the help of John, the carriage-man. It was already dark and she could see people were walking into the big hall.

  While she waited for Luanne, she saw the Earl walking towards her. Of course, Luanne had said he would be joining them.

  Luanne finally climbed out just when the Earl got to her.

  “My lady,” he greeted her with a bow.

  “My lord,” Theodosia replied with a little curtsy, while avoiding his gaze. The memory of what had happened earlier that day flashed in her memory.

  “I am afraid, I will not be joining you, Theodosia, my brother will be your company for tonight. I think the two of you need quality time together.”

  Theodosia couldn’t believe her ears, she could also see the surprised look on the Earl’s face but before he could say anything, Luanne was already riding away in the carriage, waving at them.

  Chapter 7

  Getting Along

  Barton cursed silently under his breath. His sister had played a fast one on him. After a moment, he turned to the lady beside him and extended his hand.

  “Well, I guess it will be just you and I for tonight my lady. Shall we?”

  She nodded and placed her hand into his. Together, they walked into the hall.


  As the music came to an end, everyone in the hall stood up and began to clap, including Theodosia. She had never been to an Opera before and it was a wonderful experience.

  “I hope you enjoyed your day,” asked Barton on their way home.

  “Very much, my lord, I certainly did,” she replied. All through their home, she had been very quiet, thinking about all the things she had seen that day. She couldn’t help smiling to herself, it was really a great day she had.

  “You must have really enjoyed yourself, you wouldn’t stop smiling,” he said.

  This surprised her and she couldn’t help but blush. “I am sorry, my lord.”

  “Nonsense,” Barton said half-smiling. “It pleases me that you enjoyed the show. Have you ever been to the Opera before?”

  She shook her head. “Not once. This would be my first time.”

  He looked surprised. “You don’t say. Nevertheless, it is the start of many things. I assure you, every day will be a day to look forward to.”

  She smiled and nodded. She liked how he was trying to be nice to her, it was beginning to make her relax. She shivered as the cold weather was getting into her skin and she wrapped an arm around herself.

  “Here,” he said, removing his jacket and covering her with it.

  “You don’t have to,” she said, surprised by his sudden gesture.

  “I have to,” he replied.

  “Thank you.”

  Barton returned her smile. He was glad that at least they were able to talk even if it wasn’t too much. He glanced out though the window of the carriage. It had grown immensely darker, and the weather had really changed.

  “Seems it’s going to rain,” she said, looking out the window as well.


  “How long till we get home?” she asked.

  “It wouldn’t be long. Are you afraid of getting wet?” he asked jokingly.

  She stared at him and then looked away, blushing. He had never met a beautiful lady who blushed often like her.

  “I am not afraid of getting wet, my lord,” she replied.

  “Well, then, we shall see,” he added with a chuckle.

  Minutes later, the carriage came to a halt. It was already pouring by the time they got to the house. Some of the servants came to meet them with umbrella.

  “Can you walk?” he asked as he opened the door of the carriage.

  “Of course, I can,” she replied, standing up. There were servants behind him, holding several umbrellas above his head. He turned to them and said something which she didn’t hear as a result of the rain. After that, he extended his hand to her and as she took it and was about to climb down, she missed her step and instead fell into his waiting arms.

  “Are you feeling well?” he asked as he held her in his arms.

  “Yes, I am. I can walk now,” she said, trying hard not to blush.

  “Well, I don’t mind carrying you inside,” he replied with a chuckle.

  “Oh! No! You do not have to,” she replied, but it was already too late. He was carrying her in his arms while she clung tightly to him, putting her arms around his neck. The servants were behind them, holding umbrellas above their heads.

  Theodosia smiled and rested her head against his muscled chest. She had never been this close to any man in her entire life. She could smell every part of him and it was filling her with this rosy glow. She felt warm to her toes. Probably she needed to close her eyes to enjoy it more.

  Barton lay her carefully on her bed while his sister watched. It was a
surprise how she had slept so quickly before he could enter the house.

  “She must be so tired,” Luanne said behind him.

  “I suppose so,” Barton replied, pulling the blanket over her. While he did this, he couldn’t stop looking at her lips. They were the pair of reddest lips he had ever seen.

  “She is beautiful, isn’t she?”

  He snapped out of his thoughts as he recalled that his sister was in the room with him. She was now standing beside him, looking down at Theodosia.

  “Did you enjoy your day with her?” she asked again.

  “Yes, I very much did. She was a good company. Albeit, she said so little but it was enough,” he said and turned to her. “Sister, I shall say goodnight now.”


  That night, before he slept, Barton kept going through everything that happened that day. He had never had a more fulfilling day. He enjoyed every moment he spent with Theodosia and he looked forward to more. Carrying her had not been in his plan but when she had slipped, he feared she would injure herself and he decided to carry her.

  He could still remember how he had felt carrying her in his arms. His chin was deeply buried in the locks of her hair as she clung to him. It was the most beautiful feeling which he never wanted to end. He had purposely taken his time taking her in so that the moment could last and the next thing was, she was sleeping in his arms.

  He smiled when he recalled seeing her eyes closed as they got in. Her breathing was peaceful and shallow. Looking down at her in her room was like looking at a beautiful picture…

  Okay, enough of that. He said to himself, he needed to sleep.


  Theodosia woke up to find her maid bringing her a plate of bread and butter along with a hot cup of tea. She yawned, stretching her arms towards the ceiling.

  “Morning, my lady,” said Anne, her new maid who reminded her so much of Sophie.

  “Anne, what time is it?” she asked.

  “Some minutes after nine, my lady,” Anne replied, setting the tray on her laps.

  She gasped. “Nine? I slept that long?”

  Anne chuckled. “You do not remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  “Lord Barton brought you in last night, you fell asleep in his arms.”

  Theodosia choked on her tea and began to cough.

  “Oh, I am so sorry,” Anne said, handing her a napkin.

  “Thank you,” Theodosia said, coughing some more and wiping her mouth.

  She asked again, just to be certain.

  “Yes, my lady,” Anne replied, half-smiling. “You look embarrassed.”

  Theodosia inhaled. Embarrassed was not the exact word. How would she ever face him again?

  “I do not think you should be embarrassed, my lady. He was happy doing it,” Anne said with a smile before excusing herself.

  Theodosia couldn’t believe her ears. All of a sudden, it was beginning to come back to her. The strong scent of his cologne, the warmth of his body, the closeness…she remembered everything. She remembered how she had closed her eyes and tried to imagine how it would feel and the next thing she knew was she was waking up in her bed.

  She threw her hands over her face! Almost the same time, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Theodosia, are you awake?”

  She recognized Luanne’s voice. “Of course, do come in.”

  Luanne came in. She looked fresh and beautiful in her green muslin gown.

  “How are you doing this morning?” Luanne asked with a smile. “We couldn’t talk last night.”

  Theodosia managed a smile. “I drifted off, I am sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Luanne chuckled. “Nonsense, I daresay you must have found my brother’s arms so comfortable. No one would blame you.”

  This made Theodosia blush some more but Luanne only laughed.

  “So, how did you enjoy the opera? Tell me you are not cross with me for leaving you last night.”

  Theodosia smiled. “I forgive you. Besides, your brother was really a gentleman. I enjoyed his company.”

  Luanne clapped her hands excitedly. “Wonderful! Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

  “I still cannot believe that I did that. I hope he is not angry with me.”

  Luanne frowned and shook her head. “Of course not! Why would he be angry with you? I have never seen him so excited like he was when he carried you. I think he also enjoyed it and you are indeed such a lucky woman,” she teased while Theodosia only laughed.

  Now she was getting comfortable and no longer as embarrassed as she had earlier felt. Maybe things would be better after all, Theodosia thought.


  Barton sat in his study, busy writing some things down in the papers on his table. There was a knock on the door.

  “You can come in,” he said without looking up. Anne came in with a tray which she placed on the table. In it was a cup of tea which she brought out.

  “Thank you, Anne. What about my sister?” Barton asked.

  “She is with Miss Theodosia,” Anne replied, and Barton raised his brows.

  “Oh, she is finally awake?”

  “Yes, she is, my lord.”

  He nodded. “Very well, you may leave.”

  Anne curtsied slightly before leaving.

  Barton returned to what he was doing and had hardly written anything when he heard noises outside. At first, he wasn’t sure if it was coming from the house or outside so he listened carefully.

  “You cannot come in, sir,” shouted David, his butler to whoever it was.

  “Nonsense! This is my house and I can come in if I want!”

  When Barton heard the voice that followed, his brows tightened. He abandoned what he was doing and walked out of his office. He met his butler on the way.

  “My lord, your brother is here.”

  “I know, David, do not worry about it. Where is he?” he asked but before David could answer, Barton saw his brother climbing up the stairs towards him. He had grown even bigger, muscular, and taller. His hair hung loosely around his shoulders.

  “Hello, brother. Long time no see,” said Terrence with a mischievous smile.

  Barton managed a smile. “Hello, brother. It has been a long time,” he replied.

  Both brothers embraced each other before pulling away.

  “It has been more than twenty years, look how fast you have grown,” Terrence said.

  “We weren’t expecting you so soon,” Barton said as they got to the parlor. Terrence was busy going through the decorations and other ornaments on the wall.

  “Of course. I thought I should give you a surprise,” Terrence replied. He was lifting the flower vase on the table. Looking at it admiringly.

  “What should the servants offer you?” Barton asked.

  “Oh! Nothing at all. They are soon going to be my servants as we both know it,” Terrence replied laughing. “So, I wouldn’t want to bother them right now.”

  Barton was trying not to get angry. “What brought you here, Terrence? You didn’t come when father was sick, you were not here when mother died, now you are here.”

  Terrence picked up a painting that was hung on the wall. “This would cost a fortune in the market,” he said, ignoring Barton’s question. Afterwards, he faced his younger brother. “Look at you, little brother. You have grown into a man, the perfect man that father wanted you to be. Now you dare question why I have come back to the house that belongs to me.”

  “It doesn’t belong to you, Terrence!” Barton stated.

  Terrence frowned and put back the painting. “I own everything, Barton. I am the first son and the sole heir of father, whether you like it or not. I am here to take what is mine.”

  Barton smiled. “You did not work for anything in this house, Terrence. You left and never came back!”

  “I left because of you, brother!” Terrence shouted, his nose flaring. “If not that you went to complain to father, he would never have thrown me out!”
  “You hurt our sister! You almost killed her!”

  “That still gave them no right to banish me from the house!”

  “What is going on here!”

  Both brothers turned to see Luanne climbing down the stairs, behind her was Theodosia who was looking confused as well.

  Terrence smiled and turned towards his sister.

  “My beautiful Luanne. Look how far you have grown. You have become a beautiful woman,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. Then he stopped when he sighted Theodosia.

  “And who is this beauty behind you?” Terrence asked.

  “Hello, brother. Good to see you too. This is Theodosia…”

  “My fiancé,” Barton completed it on purpose.

  “I am charmed,” Terrence said. He walked to Theodosia and kissed her hand. Finally, he walked back to Barton while the ladies watched what was happening below.

  “Barton, I do not wish to fight with you on anything. I am only here to take back what is mine. You cannot deny me of that.”

  “If I chose to give you anything from father’s properties, it is only from the goodness of my heart, Terrence. Everything you see here, I worked for. You cannot just come back here and claim them all!”

  Terrence laughed. “I think you forgot the kind of person I am, I will not only take what is mine, I will take our sister and your fiancé as well. Soon, she will begging for my touch! Won’t you darling?” he asked, looking at Theodosia who had gone all white and was now rushing back whence she had come.

  “Theodosia!” Luanne ran after her.

  “I shall be back! And when I come back, you better be in your right senses! You know what I can do!” Terrence said, walking out and slamming the door after him.

  Barton was infuriated. He thought of going after Luanne but changed his mind and instead walked back to his study.

  “I am terribly sorry that you had to see that,” Luanne said to her as they got to the room.

  “Who was that?” Theodosia asked.

  “That was our brother, the one that was banished from the house many years ago. He is not the kind of person that you would describe as being ‘good’. Many would describe him as the black sheep of the family.”