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The Earl's Nemesis Page 3

  Theodosia sighed. She wasn’t sure whether to be sad or to be happy.

  “So, Father lost to the earl? Does that mean he wouldn’t receive payment for me as well?” she asked.

  “I believe so. That serves him right, doesn’t it?”

  “But, Mother, how are you going to survive?” she asked.

  “Do not worry too much about me, dear. Now, sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

  Theodosia sprang up and embraced her mother, then she pulled away and made herself comfortable on the bed.

  Shortly after, her mother left. There was only one thing on Theodosia’s mind and that was, how the Earl would look like.


  That night was perhaps the longest night ever, for Theodosia. She could hardly sleep. So when the day broke, she heaved a sigh of relief.

  “Morning, miss, hope you slept well,” Sophie said some minutes later after coming in.

  “No, Sophie. I could hardly get a minute’s sleep.”

  “You are nervous?”

  “Yes, I believe any lady in my shoes ought to be nervous,” Theodosia said, standing from her bed.

  “How did it go with your mother last night?” Sophie asked while laying the bed.

  “As a matter of fact, it went well. I understand her better and I have to get used to the fact that I am leaving this place after all. I will go take my bath now, Sophie.”

  “Alright, Miss.”


  An hour later, Sophie was busy with Theodosia’s hair when a knock sounded on the door. The two ladies exchanged glances.

  “He must be around,” Theodosia stated; her heart was beginning to beat faster.

  “I will find out,” Sophie replied and headed towards the door.

  Theodosia couldn’t hear what Mr. Jones was telling Sophie but when she closed the door and saw the look on Sophie’s face, she knew that her fiancé was around.

  “Well, Sophie, hurry up with my hair. We both knew this moment would come, eventually.”


  Lord Barton sat at the table with both Mr. Parrish and his lovely wife. Barton had only come with his trusted servant, Isaac while his sister was back at home.

  “My lord, forgive me but I never knew you are a gambler yourself,” Harold stated. The cook was coming in with a tray of food in her hand.

  “Well, I used to gamble a lot as a child while growing up but I stopped,” Barton replied.

  “It was a good thing you stopped, my lord,” Elizabeth who had been quiet all the while stated. “Some men would gamble to their death.”

  Harold looked at his wife but said nothing. Instead he faced the Earl. “So, if you had stopped during your childhood, why did you decide to do it again? What had brought you to my house my lord? Or was it just a mere coincidence?”

  “Well, my sister had sent for you,” Barton explained. “But my servant whom she sent came back to report all that he had heard and seen. You know the state of things concerning the will, so I will not say much. Nevertheless, it was an opportunity which came at the right time for me.”

  While they were talking, he kept hoping his bride would come soon else he might just end up dying from anxiety.

  “I see. I wish I had not been that drunk that night,” Harold said. Barton could catch the hint of regret in his voice.

  “You are not saying that you regretted your action, are you?” Barton asked.

  “Well, not quite so, my lord. But if I had known that someone of your caliber would come, I would not have done such a thing,” Harold replied.

  “Well, let’s just say it’s my luck,” Barton replied. “I hope you are not trying to take back your words?”

  “My lord, he would do no such thing!” his wife stated abruptly. “The Parrish are known for their word. He had said he would give our daughter away to a man who would beat him at the game and there is no way he would change that. As a matter of fact, my daughter is getting dressed right away to go with you–oh! Here she comes.”

  Barton could hear footsteps descending the stairs and he stood up.

  She walked down the stairs in a red satin dress with sleeves that were decorated with lace ribbons. Her arms were covered in a pair of long white gloves and her hair which was as black as a raven was parted at the center, falling loosely around her shoulders. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

  She was looking at him just as he was looking at her, but she immediately looked away, coloring a bit. Barton bit his lips; he hoped he had not been too forward by starring at her like that.

  “Theodosia, this is Lord Barton, your fiancé, and my lord, here is my daughter, Theodosia Parrish,” Harold said.

  She curtsied while he took a slight bow. Some minutes later, everyone was busy eating.


  It was probably the most awkward meal Theodosia had ever tasted. She was sitting right opposite the young lord and was also battling with herself not to stare so much at him. However, she couldn’t stop herself. He wasn’t bad looking at all. Everything from the way he dressed spoke of nobility and wealth. His brown curls and thin lips gave him a dashing appearance. He was indeed a fine looking man, and he was to be hers. Still, it was still embarrassing for her that he had merely won her hand through a gambling game. Would he even respect her?

  Minutes later, she was saying goodbye to her parents and to her maid. The man waited patiently for her before she followed him into his carriage.

  Chapter 5

  Settling Down

  When they got to the Barton estate, Theodosia couldn’t help but gasp. It was built more like castle. Built with metal, concrete, and glass. It was surrounded by beautiful ornaments and flowers. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

  “Here we are,” said Lord Barton as the carriage came to a halt. He climbed down from the carriage before extending his hand to hers.

  While she climbed out, she was met by a young lady who looked like her age and who seemed to bear the same resemblance with him.

  “You are welcome, my lord. I have been expecting you,” she said, bowing a little to him before facing her. “And you, my lady, are welcome to the Barton’s estates.”

  “Oh! I’m no lady, my lady,” Theodosia said with a slight curtsy.

  “Nonsense, you are going to be married to my brother, which makes you a lady. Allow me to take a proper look at you,” the lady said. Theodosia was surprised as to how nice she was to her.

  “You are indeed as charming as described. Come with me, your room has been prepared for you.”

  Theodosia followed the sweet woman to the room. The room was thrice the one she had back at home. There was a large bathtub which stood by the rectangular window. There was also a desk with some books in a corner. Out of everything, what caught Theodosia’s attention was the four-poster bed with silken white curtains. She wondered how soft they actually were

  “Would you like to give it a try?” the lady asked.

  Theodosia nodded excitedly.

  “Well then, go ahead,” said Luanne.

  Theodosia walked to the bed and touched with her finger. It was indeed soft. When she caught the look on the lady’s face, she flushed in embarrassment. The lady must think she wasn’t used to luxury.

  “Oh! Come now, don’t be embarrassed Theodosia, it is alright. I assure you, you are in good hands and we are going to be great friends.”

  While they were talking, the door opened and two maids entered with buckets of water which they poured into the tub until it was filled. Other servants also came in, bearing her bags which they placed beside the bed.

  “Now, take a warm bath, there are new cloths in the closet for you. Once you are done, Hanna here will bring you to the dining room. She will also pick a dress for you,” Luanne explained, pointing to one of the female servants. She looked like almost the same age as Sophie, and Theodosia liked her immediately.

  “Thank you so much, my lady,” Theodosia said gratefully.

  “Oh! Stop the formali
ty. We are going to become a family very soon, we do not need such formality.”

  Theodosia smiled as the lady with the rest of the servants except Hannah left.

  “Would you like me to arrange your bags, milady?” Hannah asked.

  “Yes, thank you very much, Hannah. Please do that while I take my bath.”


  When Barton raised his head to see her as she approached the table, he was impressed as to how different she looked. She had looked beautiful back at her father’s house but right that moment, she looked ravishing in the white and green dress she was wearing.

  He could feel his sister’s intense stare so he immediately looked away, he knew he had exposed himself.

  “You are welcome, Theodosia, please, feel at home,” Luanne said nicely.

  Theodosia sat right next to him and they began to eat.

  Barton felt he needed to say something to her, but he could not think of anything to say. He was certain that the young lady was either embarrassed or afraid of him. He sought for a way to make things better.

  “I hope you like everything you have seen so far, my lady?” he asked in a voice that seemed not to belong to him.

  “Yes, my lord. Thank you,” she said.

  What followed was an awkward silence. He looked up to see his sister who kept throwing him several looks to say something.

  What exactly did she expect him to say?

  “Do you like music?” he finally was able to ask.

  “Yes, my lord but I have not actually indulged myself in it,” Theodosia replied.

  “Then you are in luck,” Luanne replied. “Tomorrow, I shall teach you everything you need to know.”


  “What other things do you enjoy doing?”

  Theodosia knew that the Earl was trying to do everything to make her feel comfortable, she wished he could just allow her to eat in silence.

  “I love reading,” she replied.

  “Great! You should find the books in the room quite interesting. My lord also loves reading, finally something you two have in common,” Luanne said, making her more uncomfortable. Of course, the Earl was supposed to be her husband-to-be.

  The rest of the food was eaten in silence. Theodosia was grateful for this.

  Later when she retired to her room that evening, she couldn’t help but wonder how the whole thing would work out. How long would she keep seeing him as s stranger and when would they get married? What would happen on the night of their wedding?

  She sighed until she could sigh no longer. For what it was worth, she was glad for the peace and quietness. There would be no more trouble with her father. Once she got to understand her husband very well, maybe being married would not be as terrible as she had thought.


  “Are you certain that we are doing the right thing?” Barton asked his sister. They were both in his study.

  Luanne nodded. “Yes, I believe we are. No one knows when our brother will decide to show up. It is better to be prepared than to be caught unaware.”

  “So what do you think of the lady?”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter what I think of her. In fact, I believe what I think of her is quite obvious with the way I have spoken to her. She seems very reserved and shy. But hopefully she will get over it soon.”

  “I fear she may hate me,” Barton replied.

  “Why would you think that, my lord? She barely knows you.”

  “If I were to be in her shoes, I would hate me and I would hate my father. What kind of father would gamble his daughter away just like that? It is unheard of.”

  Luanne sighed. “You are right, my lord. Still, she cannot hate you. What choice does she have? She is going to be your wedded wife, she will forgive you eventually.”

  “I hope you are right. Why, may I ask, did you send Isaac in the first place?”

  “Well, on the day the lawyer had come to read the will, he said something about having a daughter of a marriageable age, I merely asked Isaac to fetch him so we could come to an agreement. I never knew that he was planning to bet her away.”

  “Oh! Now I understand why the man was giving me a cold attitude.”

  Luanne frowned. “A cold attitude?”

  “Yes. He seemed to be regretting the whole bet. He said something regarding someone of my caliber. He never knew that I could show up at the game.”

  “So, was he not willing to give her away again?”

  “It appeared so, if not for the intelligence of his wife, I think he would have made things a bit difficult.”

  “He seems to be a deceitful man; I wouldn’t trust him. I also think that he may have gone through the condition of the will before we actually got to know of it. That was why he was really prepared to release his daughter at once.”

  “However things turn out to be, I hope it will be for the best.”

  Luanne stood up. “So, how do you plan on courting your wife-to-be?”

  He shrugged. He hadn’t even thought of that. “I need to get to know her first, and then I will know what I need to do. First, she needs to be comfortable; you shall be responsible for that.”

  “Oh! That wouldn’t be a problem, my lord. You can leave that to me.”

  Chapter 6

  Unexpected Visitor

  “Morning, my lady,” Anne said as she drew the curtain apart.

  Theodosia squinted as the brightness of the day hit her eyes. “Morning, Hanna.”

  “Did you sleep well?” the lady asked.

  “Yes, I did. Thank you,” Theodosia replied. She had fallen off last night while going through one of the books she had found on the table. It was a surprise to her how deeply she had slept. Back at home, she never slept like that. She felt good and relieved.

  “There is a hot water waiting for you in the tub. Your food is ready and Lady Barton would like you to get ready. It appears you both will be spending quality time together,” she said with a smile.

  Theodosia returned the smile. “She seems to be a nice person.”

  “Oh! You mean Lady Barton?”

  Theodosia nodded.

  “Yes, she is. She is a delightful woman and not only her, I daresay if you get to know my lord very well, you will see that he is a wonderful man as well. You are indeed lucky to be with him.”

  Theodosia smiled, hoping that Hannah was right.

  “How long have you been working here?” she asked Anne, who was now arranging the room.

  “This is my fifth year. Lady Barton found me in the woods and she raised me here. Being her handmaid is a little way of showing my gratitude to her and my lord.”

  “What about their parents? What happened to them?” Theodosia asked but then stopped. “I apologize if I am asking too many questions.”

  “Oh! The apology is unnecessary, my lady. About their mother, according to what I heard, she died months after giving birth to my lady. The earl passed away months ago. He was terribly sick.”

  Theodosia was sorry to hear this.

  “It’s alright, my lady. Whatever question you may be having, I am certain that Lady Barton would be more than willing to give you a reply. Now, your water waits before it gets cold.”


  Lord Barton was on his way to her room. Since he woke up that morning, he had been busy rehearsing what he would say upon seeing her. He was determined to make her comfortable around him. If he would be spending the rest of his life with her, then they needed to become friends as soon as possible.

  While he approached her door, the door opened and Hannah came out, in her hand was a tray. In the tray was a cup.

  “Morning, my lord,” she said with a curtsy.

  “Morning, Hannah,” he grumbled. “Is our guest awake?” he asked.

  “Yes, my lord. She is.”

  “Good, you can go.”

  Hannah gave a slight bow before leaving.

  When he got to the door, he knocked, and the door opened by itself.

  “Come in quickly, Hannah, I
need help with my ties.”

  Barton was surprised. The lady’s back was turned towards him and her dress was undone. He shut his eyes even though he could already see her underwear.

  He debated on telling her who he was or walking away quietly. Finally, he sighed and held her steady by the waist before carefully pulling the ties.

  “Thank you very much,” she said, turning around quickly, and when she saw who it was, she went white all of a sudden.

  “Do not be alarmed, my lady. I…” he stuttered, unable to find the right words.

  She quickly bowed. “I apologize my lord, I thought it was Hannah.”

  “It is alright, no need to be ashamed. I was only come to see how you are doing. I am happy to help. There is no need for you to be embarrassed,” he reassured her, but the lady was clearly embarrassed again.


  Theodosia couldn’t believe what happened. They were both standing in front of each other and she wished she could just vanish right there. How didn’t she know that it was not Hannah? Besides, why should she be horrified when he was still going to marry her after everything? There was no need to be ashamed just like he had said. Wait, was he also thinking what she was thinking? Great!

  The door opened and Luanne came in.

  “Perfect! You are dressed,” she said before seeing her brother. “My lord, I hope all is well?”

  “Oh! Yes, yes. I only came to check on her, I shall be on my way,” he said, mumbling all the words together. Theodosia couldn’t help but think perhaps, the Earl was as embarrassed as she was. He opened the door and left.

  Luanne threw her a curious look. “What did I miss?”

  Theodosia knew she could trust her so she told her the truth. “I thought he was Hannah, I never knew he was the one.”

  Luanne burst into laughter having heard all that happened. “Oh! That was the most hilarious thing I have ever heard in a while. You should know that my brother has never been with a woman before.”

  “He hasn’t?” Theodosia asked, a bit surprised.

  “Well, he had several ladies in the past who were swarming around him, but he never picked any. He was too busy being a good child to our father, he never had the time to be in a good relationship with any. Therefore, all these are new to him. You must forgive him if he makes you a bit awkward.”