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The Earl's Nemesis Page 6

  Ever since Theodosia had left, he had started selling some of his things just to be able to pay some of his debts, now several letters were coming in from reputable men, asking for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Sadly, he had to return each letter stating that his daughter had been taken by another and was no longer available.

  Fate had been cruel to him. Why did he get drunk on the wrong day and why would Barton even come that very day?

  He sighed and drank some more.

  “You are not saying anything, Elizabeth,” he said to his wife who was busy knitting. They were both in the room that morning.

  “What do you want me to say?” she asked, looking at him. Things had grown worse between the two of them since Theodosia had left. she hardly spoke to him these days and even when she did, it was always filled with bitterness.

  He stood up and walked closer to her. “I know you are still angry with me but I am sure that we can fix this,” he said to her.

  “There is nothing to say to you, Harold. You have done what you thought was best. You gambled away our daughter and I am glad that she is somewhere happy.”

  This surprised him. “She is happy?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes, she is. You do not think that my daughter will go somewhere without telling me anything about how she is faring? What kind of mother would that make me?”

  He was quiet. “So, how is she?”

  “Like you care?”

  “But you do know I care about her. I was only drunk that night, Liz.”

  “Nonsense! You have never cared about anyone but yourself! All you care about is your games and your bottles.”

  “Liz, I keep telling you how sorry I am.”

  “I heard you, but I know you are not sorry. You are only disappointed in yourself because you couldn’t make money off our daughter!”

  Harold swallowed. She was right about that. “Okay, I promise you I want to make things right.”

  She looked at him. “Make things right by doing what exactly?”

  “I will bring back our daughter and then we can give her away to a reputable man.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t believe her ears. She dropped the things in her hands and stood up to face her husband.

  “I am only trying to make things right,” he said but she could see right through him.

  “You, liar! I cannot believe you are saying this! You want to make things right? Or you want to make more money? Which of the two?”

  He was quiet, so she continued. “After giving our daughter away shamefully, you want to subject her to a further torture and shame! I am not going to allow that! What kind of father are you!” she spat.

  “My darling, if you can only listen to the plan I have. I accept everything you said. I take the blame, I behaved irrationally and I regret it. I regret it every day and I wish I can take it back. Now I know I can make things right. Please,” he rushed to his table and brought some letters to her.

  “Look at these letters. These are wealthy landowners asking for our daughter’s hand in marriage. I wish I had been patient and not behaved irrationally. We can still bring her back home and make things right. She can finally leave the house with the respect and dignity that I denied her.”

  Elizabeth closed her eyes. She just couldn’t believe that a man could be this greedy.

  “You are full of regret just because you couldn’t make the money you wanted. You treated your daughter as if she was not your daughter. Everything you care about is money and now think you can talk me into forgiving you so that I can support your selfish plan? You are unbelievable!” With this, she walked out of the room.


  Harold sighed. Why wouldn’t she just listen to him for a minute? While he was thinking, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It is I, my lord,” said the butler. “There is a letter for you.”

  He frowned. “A letter for me, come in.”

  The butler came in, handed him the letter and then exited. He frowned, he really hoped it wasn’t another letter that was there to torture him on the marriage of his daughter, he couldn’t take it any more.

  He opened the letter and was surprised when he saw the name of the sender.

  “Terrence Barton?” he read aloud. The name sounded really familiar. He suddenly remembered the Barton’s first son, the one that was banished when he was a child. He was alive, and he had written to him. This should be interesting.

  He tore open the letter and began to go through it. It was short and concise.

  You may not know me but I have a proposal for you. I know about the will and your daughter. I have a plan that can both get us what we want. I will be there this evening to make an arrangement with you. Send a reply to this address to show your interest.

  Harold jumped up excitedly. Finally, things were falling into place. How did Terrence know about the will? Surely he must have found out about the condition that had come with the will and that definitely didn’t go down with him.

  Either way, this would be his own fortune. Quickly, he began to gather his writing materials.


  Terrence got a reply to his letter a couple of hours later, while still in the inn with his servant.

  When he read the content, he smiled.

  “See, Ron, fate has finally smiled on us. The father is even more interested than I had expected,” he said. “He is expecting us today and even more, he said if we could come to a good arrangement, maybe he could let me have his daughter.”

  Ron chuckled. “May I go ready the horses then, my lord?”

  “Yes, do so. We do not have time to waste.”


  “Where are you taking that to?” Elizabeth asked Sophie who was carrying a tray of food with her from the kitchen.

  “Madam, Mr. Parrish had asked the cook to prepare food, and I am expected to bring to his study.”

  Elizabeth frowned and opened the plates. When she saw what was inside, she frowned. That type of food could only prepared if they were expecting a kind of visitor.

  “Is there any visitor around?” she asked curiously.

  “Not that I know of, my lady. However, whatever visitor that may be coming is yet to be on their way,” Sophie replied.

  Elizabeth covered the plates. “Go ahead, Sophie. I shall pretend as if I do not know what is going on. If he asks for me, tell him you never saw me but if the visitor comes, make sure it is brought to my notice. I am afraid he may be planning something regarding our Theodosia and I would like to know what it is.”

  Sophie frowned. “Very well, madam, I shall bring it to your attention.”

  “Thank you, dear. Now you may go.”

  Chapter 9

  Secret Arrangments

  Harold was looking down from his window for any signal of a carriage. He had already arranged everything needed to be done in his study. He didn’t want his wife to know anything about the meeting he may be having. He was afraid that she might ruin things for him.

  He checked the time again. He needed to be here quickly.

  The door opened suddenly, startling him, but it was only Sophie who had come in with the tray of food.

  “Oh! Thank God! Sophie, what took so long?” he asked.

  “Apologies, sir,” she replied while setting the food on the table.

  “Did you by any chance see my wife or did she happen to see you?” he asked.

  “Not, at all. I barely see her these days ever since Miss Theodosia had gone. She should be somewhere busy knitting, as always.”

  Harold smiled. “That is a good thing. I have also told the butler, if she asks for me, tell her I have a very important business meeting.”

  Sophie nodded and some minutes later after she had left, he spotted a carriage pulling over in front of his yard. Quickly, he rushed out of his office.


  Terrence stepped out of the carriage and asked Ron to stay behind in the carriage while he walked towards the front door. The do
or opened before he could knock on it.

  “You are welcome, my lord, Mr. Parrish has been expecting you,” said the butler.

  Terrence smiled and walked in. The parlor was large and moderately furnished.

  “My lord, please come upstairs, I have been expecting you,” said a voice above him. Looking up, he found an older looking man who looked like a man in his early fifties. He was of an average height with a protruding belly.

  Some minutes later, they were both sitting in the study. Terrence was impressed as Mr. Parrish had prepared everything for his welcoming. The food and the drinks were delicious.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Parrish. You very well impressed me. I had, after all, gone to my brother and not even a glass of wine did he offer me,” he said, wiping his mouth with the napkin.

  “Well, I believe you and I have come to see your brother for who he is. He is only a selfish man,” Harold stated.

  “That is the truth. Now, shall we go into what has brought me here?” Terrence asked, leaning forward on his seat.

  “I would like nothing more,” Harold replied.

  “As you must have read from the letter I sent, I am planning to take everything from my brother, but I learned that my father left a condition in his will?”

  Harold nodded. “Very correct, my lord. May I bring the will for you?”

  Terrence was surprised. “You have it?

  “Aye, I made a copy for myself.”

  “Wonderful! Bring it quick. Let me see for myself.”


  Elizabeth was still busy knitting in the garden when she heard a movement behind her. Quickly, she turned around and was surprised to see Sophie.

  “Sophie! You frightened me, what is the problem?” she asked.

  “The guest has arrived. They are both in the study.”

  Quickly, Elizabeth sprung to her feet, and both ladies rushed back inside together.


  “So what is the plan?” Harold asked impatiently.

  “We need to kidnap your daughter. As you can see, once we kidnap her and he is unable to get no one to marry before his birthday, I can claim the properties.”

  Harold smiled. This was a wonderful plan.

  “But, I hope nothing would happen to my daughter? You see, your brother really conned me. I regretted my action and I am willing to give my daughter away to whosoever would pay most for her hand.”

  Terrence laughed. “Of course, you should know that once I become the Earl, you have nothing to fear, all you need is to demand for whatever you want and I will get it done.”

  Harold laughed satisfactorily. This was too good to be true.

  “So, what do you say? When do we begin?” Harold asked.

  “First, I shall send Ron back to my old house to look out for Barton. He loves riding alone a lot, a bad habit he formed while we were children. He may decide to take your daughter along, I just need you to arrange some men for me, who can beat him and then blindfold your daughter. I shall arrange the place where she will be taken to. She will be there for the next couple of weeks and then released once I have claimed my properties, with your help.”

  “A wonderful plan, my lord. I shall start working on it right away.”


  When Elizabeth heard all that had happened, she covered her mouth in horror. This was far more than what she had thought. She exchanged looks with Sophie who was right behind her as they both stood in front of the door, listening to every word that transpired between the two men.

  When they heard footsteps coming closer towards the door, they quickly tiptoed away.

  Some minutes later, they were in Elizabeth’s room.

  “Madam, what are we to do? They are planning to attack Lord Barton and kidnap Miss Theodosia.”

  Elizabeth swallowed. “I heard everything, Sophie. Forgive me, I am deeply horrified. My nerves cannot come to terms with it.”

  Sophie sighed. “I understand, but we need to do something fast, there is no time to waste.”

  Quickly, Elizabeth turned to her and grabbed her at both arms. “Sophie, you will need to do this, quickly, I shall write her address to you, as it is written in the letter she sent to me. You must find her quickly and tell her everything that you have heard. I shall also write to her, so that she will know that I have sent you. Take one of the horses, you may likely get there in the morning. Find a place to stay in the night, I shall give you some money that will be enough to get a place to stay for the night. Rest if you must but make sure this gets to my daughter!”

  Sophie nodded quickly.

  “Get me some ink,” she ordered, and Sophie quickly excused herself.


  Ron, who had been sitting patiently in the carriage for his master, was already dozing off. But he stirred all of a sudden just when a lady opened the front door and rushed out of the house, riding on a horse. She seemed much in a hurry and by her dressing, he could tell she was a maid. She carried a bag with her and was trying to tuck a piece of paper in the bag hurriedly.

  He watched with a frown. Something was amiss. Quickly, he decided to follow her, to see what she was up to.


  Terrence opened the front door and was surprised to see Ron, getting the horses ready.

  “What are you doing? We are not leaving yet!” he shouted at him. Harold was also walking behind him.

  “Forgive me, my lord, I saw something which I thought was really important and…”

  “Shut up, fool! What could you have seen that you would leave me here without any direct order from me?”

  “My lord, but the maid was…”

  “I do not care about any of your discrepancies, Ron. I have a work for you. It appears things will begin faster than we have thought. You shall go back to the inn this night, people we need to make the plan work are back there. They are friends of the lawyer.”

  “Oh, you mean the drunk men we saw last night?” Ron asked.

  “Aye, they live their lives drinking, but they have the people you need,” Harold said and handed Ron a letter. “Give this to one of them when you find them. Lord Terrence will sleep here tonight, a future earl must not be spending much time at the inn. It is most uncomfortable.”

  Both Terrence and Harold laughed while Ron went on his way.


  That night, while Elizabeth lay on her bed, she couldn’t sleep. A visitor was in the visitor’s room and Harold was yet to come to their bedchamber. She planned to ask him once he entered. She was certain he was still going to lie to her.

  Seconds later, Harold entered the room, humming to himself before gently climbing into the bed with her.

  “You did not tell me we were having a guest that will be sleeping over,” she said without turning around.

  He waited for a while before responding.

  “You were busy with your knitting and I did not wish to disturb you,” he replied.

  “Who is he?” she demanded.

  “Just one of my clients who cannot go back to his home tonight again,” he replied.

  Elizabeth thought of shouting ‘liar!’ at him but she calmed herself down. Confronting him would not solve anything. The only thing she needed to do was to play along with him.

  “Okay then,” she said.

  “I didn’t see Sophie this night at all, where is she?” he asked.

  “I sent her on an errand, she would not be back till tomorrow,” she replied.

  “You didn’t tell me, what if I needed her?”

  “Well, you were busy with your guest and it couldn’t wait,” she retorted. That was the end of the conversation that night.


  Ron stretched his back as he climbed down from the carriage. He was exhausted, and it was just some minutes to midnight. He hoped the men would be there at the time.

  When he got to the inn, there were fewer men than usual; six men and a lady sitting by herself in a corner. Oh, wait! He looked at the lady very closely. It was the same lady he had
seen that morning.

  Now he was certain that something was wrong. He walked to the bartender who recognized him immediately, he and his master had caused them much grievance the previous night.

  “Eh, pray, tell me how long the lass has been sitting there,” he said to the bartender who looked at the lady and shook his head.

  “An hour or so,” he replied.

  “Will she be spending the night?” Ron asked further.

  The bartender was quiet so Ron gave him some coins.

  “Aye, she will be. She said she only needed a place for the night but no more room, so she said she will sit there till ‘morrow.”

  Ron frowned and took another look at her. Now her back was rested against the wall as she clutched her bag tighter. Her eyes seemed to be closing. He eyed the bag contemptuously. Something was not right, he thought. There was only one road in the area which led from the Parrish household to the Barton’s quarters. What if she was going to the Barton’s quarters? Was it possible that she had heard something or perhaps, she was on an errand? Ron knew that whatever was in the letter would help him a great deal, he only needed to find a way to get to it.

  While he was talking, the two men from the previous night walked in. When they saw him, they grinned.

  “Eh, if it is not the young lad from last night,” said the fatter one of the two.

  Ron smiled and walked closer to them.

  “Hope you were able to see Harold?” the other one asked.

  Ron nodded. “Aye, with your help. My master is grateful. I am Ron and I have a letter for you from both Mr. Parrish and my master.”

  The two men exchanged glances.

  “Hold on, lad,” said the fatter one. “Your master is the other Barton brother, is he not?”

  Ron waited before nodding.

  “I thought so!” shouted the fatter one. “Darrel, you owe me two gold coins, and a drink,” he said to the other.

  The other whose name was apparently Darrel smiled and signaled to the bartender.

  “How did you come to realize this?” Ron asked while taking short glances at the sleeping lady at the corner.

  “Well,” said the fatter one, “he was very interested in the will and the story. It was easy. So, you said you have a message for us?”