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Regency Romances Page 43


  “I’m taking my son.”

  Evangeline began to panic. That was her nightmare. Losing Richard to anyone would be the end of her world. He was her life. She could feel herself begin to hyperventilate.

  “No!” she choked. “Please! I beg you, you can’t do this.”

  “You kept him from me, Evie! Richard is heir to my dukedom. Because of my status and position in Society, it won’t be difficult to get Richard into my custody.” Manchester was now sneering at her. “You will never see him again.”

  Never see her son again? Evangeline didn’t think her husband could be so vindictive. She ran to him, falling to her knees in front of him.

  “Please, don’t!” She grabbed at his hand, which didn’t respond to her tightening grip. “Richard is my life. I do everything for him. Please, Rob, reconsider. Richard will be heartbroken if he never sees me again.”

  Manchester practically snarled at her and Evangeline recoiled back from him. She had never heard him sound like that before. It was the first time she had been frightened of the man she had married.

  “You should’ve thought about that before you kept him from me,” he snapped. “The judge isn’t going to like that at all.”

  Evangeline couldn’t get up. She had lost strength to stand. She started sobbing, the thought of losing her son was the worst possible nightmare becoming a reality. He couldn’t do this to her, surely? But from the look on Manchester’s face, he was certainly going to do it.

  “Robert, please,” she begged. “Don’t do this.”

  “What do you expect me to do?” Manchester shouted. “Let you carry on as normal? Walk away and pretend I never saw you. You know I can’t do that.”

  “If you remotely loved me, you wouldn’t do this.”

  Evangeline realized she had said the wrong thing again. Manchester’s face went red, and he advanced on her. Evangeline tried to stand but she couldn’t as Manchester knelt before her, looking like he wanted to hit something.

  “Remotely loved you?” Her husband snorted. “I’ve always loved you, Evie. That’s the problem. That has never faded, even when my feelings for everything else turned bitter and pushed everyone away. Even when I locked myself up in the house. I still love you. I want you back with me.” He rubbed his hand over his face and looked torn. “But you’ve made your feelings clear. You said you don’t love me and I have to accept that. I won’t force you back. But you can’t force me away from my son. He will come back with me.”

  Evangeline didn’t know what to say. He still loved her, even after what she had done. She did not deserve a man like this.

  If only she hadn’t had to hurt him like this.

  Without warning, Manchester grabbed her head and kissed her. It wasn’t a loving kiss but Evangeline could feel the passion in it. It was barely controlled and she couldn’t stop herself from kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and allowing herself a moment in his arms.

  No sooner as she relaxed against him then Manchester was pulling away, standing up so abruptly that Evangeline was sent sprawling. Her husband looked wild-eyed and about to explode. Then he managed to regain his control and stepped back, his expression turning into a blank mask.

  “I probably won’t get another chance to do that. But that will be the last time.”

  Then he stormed out the shop, leaving Evangeline on the floor.


  It wouldn’t be long now. Manchester had been waiting for this moment for two months now. Richard would finally be coming home with him. And Evangeline would be out of their lives for good.

  This should be a joyous occasion. Manchester had a son, and he was going to get him in his custody where he should be. Richard would grow up to be the next heir and Manchester wouldn’t have to worry about marrying again. He was completely off marriage now. This should be a happy time for him.

  So, why did it feel like the worst possible thing in the world if this was doing the right thing?

  Manchester looked up from the letter he was writing to find Harold standing in front of him. His butler didn’t look anything other than his usual blank expression.

  “Is everything prepared for my son’s arrival?”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  “And the nursery?”

  “Mrs. Gooding said it will be done by the time you get home with Master Richard.”

  When Manchester had told his servants that he had a son and he was bringing him home, most of them asked questions about his wife. And he had simply said Evangeline was having nothing more to do with her son. His staff had loved his wife—that hadn’t been difficult to do—so it felt like his entire household was not on his side about separating mother from the child. Manchester didn’t care; he had his heir, and he was going to make up for it.

  Even if it left a nasty taste in his mouth.

  “Go quickly. I want everything ready for my son.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Harold bowed stiffly and left the room. The door had barely closed before it swung open again and Hutch came charging in. His hair had been cut short and his beard was trimmed, the only sign he had been abroad was the darker color of his skin. But his eyes were dark as well, blazing with outrage as he advanced on Manchester at his desk.

  “What is going on, Manchester?” he bellowed.

  “Good day to you, too, Hutch.”

  “Skip the pleasantries. What do you think you’re doing taking custody of Evangeline’s son?”

  Manchester frowned and put down his pen.

  “He is my son as well. And she kept him from me.”

  “Did you ask if it was for a good reason?” Hutch shouted. “Maybe she was trying to protect the both of you.”

  Manchester stood. His friend had been shocked and delighted that the young duke had a son. But that had turned to disgust when Hutch found out what Manchester was doing. They hadn’t spoken since they got off the boat from France.

  “How can that be, Hutch? Either she protects her son, or she protects me.”

  “She can do both.”

  “Anyway, I don’t care now. I want my son.”

  “And you think that’s a good idea?”

  “He is my son, Hutch!” Manchester bellowed. He came around the desk and shoved his friend in the chest, causing Hutch to step back. “Richard is my heir. And the only one I’m ever going to have. When I’m gone, he’s going to be the next Duke of Manchester. I will have Richard with me. Evangeline can’t stop me, no matter how many contacts she got in the last few years.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “Then what?”

  Hutch took a deep breath and pressed his fingers into the bridge of his nose.

  “You know what you want and what your wife wants.”

  Manchester swiped a hand through the air.

  “As far as I’m concerned, Evangeline is not my wife.”

  “All right. Fine. But think about Richard. Do you know what he wants? He’s only met you once.”

  “We got along well.”

  “But that’s when you were a polite stranger,” Hutch pointed out sharply. “He didn’t know that you were his father. If you tear him away from the only parent he’s known to come and live with you, he’s not only going to resent you for doing that but he’s going to hate you for forbidding him from seeing his mother again.”

  Chapter 8

  Doing the Right Thing?

  Manchester groaned. He really wanted to lash out to get him to shut up but Hutch could easily best him in a fight. He was the man who had taught Manchester how to fight after all.

  “Evangeline shouldn’t have done what she did,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “And you think you should be doing this?” Hutch shot back. He jabbed a finger at Manchester, prodding him in the chest. “This isn’t for Richard’s welfare. It’s all about you.”

  Manchester slapped his hand away. He was gearing up for a fight and now his mentor
was turning on him.

  “I want my son and he’s coming here,” he snarled. “No one can stop me on that.”

  “If you do that, you’ll ruin two lives in the process?”

  “Two lives? What about mine? What was my life for the past six years?” Manchester had had enough. He turned away and stormed back behind his desk. “Get out.”


  “Get out!”

  Hutch didn’t flinch, merely gave the younger man a glare and a shake of the head before leaving. Manchester didn’t care where he went as long as it wasn’t in his sight.

  He slumped into his chair and tried to put together his thoughts. Evangeline had disappeared from his life, gave birth to their son alone, and kept him from Richard. She had done the wrong thing and now he was being crucified by public opinion for doing the right thing?

  That did not make any sense.


  Today was the day. Evangeline would have to see her husband again, this time in court. She would see her son for the last time before they had to part ways.

  And that was going to tear her heart out. It had been six weeks since she had last seen Richard when English officials came into her home and took him away. Richard had been kicking and screaming, Evangeline having to be held off from grabbing him by Aurelie and Philippe. None of them had wanted him to go, but they had no choice.

  Evangeline had spent six weeks in misery. Nothing seemed to be going right for her anymore. She left the shop in Jessica’s care and went to England, staying in a hotel that she could afford that was close to where Richard was being housed. But the governess keeping an eye on her son had been under strict instructions to not let Evangeline see Richard at all.

  Evangeline didn’t know how she was going to cope once she was told in court that she would be forbidden to see her son ever again.

  Manchester had much to answer for. Evangeline couldn’t believe he was going through with it. He was quite prepared to ruin his wife so he could get what he wanted. The man she had married was not there anymore. She didn’t recognize Robert Mayes, the man she had seen in the ballroom and fallen in love with. He had become a cold, cruel man now.

  What had she done?

  Evangeline woke early and dressed, unable to eat any breakfast. She paced around her room, wishing time would go quicker so she could see her son for a just a few minutes. It was going to break his heart when he realized he was never seeing her again. And Evangeline knew Manchester would make sure they never crossed paths again; she had never thought of him as vindictive, but it had been five years.

  Five years of her doing.

  A gentle knock at the door had Evangeline almost jumping out of her skin. She smoothed her shaking hands on her skirts and hurried over to the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your Grace, my name is Lord Hutchinson. May I speak with you?”

  Hutchinson. Evangeline remembered her husband talking about his mentor, a man who had shown him a lot of things and made him as he was. Manchester owed a lot to Hutchinson. Evangeline had never met him but had much about him.

  “You’re a friend of my husband’s, are you not?”

  Hutchinson snorted.

  “I don’t think he considers me a friend right now. May I come in, Madam?”

  Evangeline had nothing to lose. She had nothing to worry about anymore. And she didn’t care. She opened the door to a dark-haired man in his late forties with a beard and dressed almost like he was royalty.

  “Come in, sir.” She walked away from the door. “My reputation is practically ruined, as it is.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Hutch said, shutting the door behind him.

  “Is it not? Everyone knows I’m back in London and I’ve had far too many people try to come into my room and ask me what happened.” Evangeline tugged at her chignon and some pins came out, her hair unravelling about her shoulders. But she didn’t care. “The number of people who have openly asked if I ran off with another man is enormous.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Hutchinson’s expression said he didn’t. He actually looked sympathetic. Evangeline wondered if he was gathering information for Manchester to use against her. She shook her head.

  “I can’t tell you the truth, my lord. I couldn’t even tell my husband and I trusted him.”

  Hutch held up a hand.

  “First, it’s Hutch. I don’t answer to ‘my lord’ unless in very public company. And second, I think I can guess what happened. And it’s in regard to Edward.”

  Evangeline felt like she was about to stop breathing. She spun around so quickly she nearly fell over. How did he find out about that?

  “You know about Edward?”

  “My lady, I work for the government. I have many contacts. And I know what Edward did.” Hutch paused. “I know where he is.”

  He knew where he was. Evangeline began to panic. That meant he would bring Edward back and it would be made known to everyone, including Manchester, what her family had done. She couldn’t bear that.

  “Please.” She hurried to Hutch and grabbed his arm. “Don’t say anything. Please, Hutch.”

  “I won’t.” Hutch laid a hand over hers. “But you must tell Manchester.”

  “I can’t. That’s why I ran in the first place.”

  “Because you thought he was going to reject you over something your brother did?”

  “One person’s actions reflect on the whole family, doesn’t it?” Evangeline sagged onto the bed, still clutching Hutch’s arm. “He wouldn’t have faced the scandal and just being married to him would’ve brought the scandal upon him.”

  “But Manchester doesn’t care about that. He loves you.”

  Evangeline snorted.

  “Not anymore. He said so.”

  “He still does.” Hutch sat beside her. “I’ve known him for years. I can tell. He couldn’t care less as long as he had you. You two could have ridden it out. With Manchester’s reputation, he would have made sure it was contained.”

  “Not with Lawrence McNally running about.” Evangeline stared miserably at the floor. “He would have made it worse.”

  She hadn’t seen McNally since coming back to England, but it would only be a matter of time. And Evangeline was sure he would still ask for money. He knew she was shaken up and would have her guard lowered; that would be when he made his move. Evangeline was dreading seeing him again. The scoundrel had ripped up her marriage and caused her to lose Richard as well as Richard growing up without a father.

  “Listen, my lady, I’m on your side,” Hutch said gently. “Whatever happens, I’ll help you. If you’ll let me.”

  “I…” Evangeline didn’t know what to say to that. “Hutch, I…”

  “You don’t need to say anything.” Hutch squeezed her hand. “You’re a good person and you did what you thought was the right thing. Don’t be upset about that.”

  “But I am.” Evangeline rubbed at her eyes. “Because I went about this the wrong way. Very obviously the wrong way.” She could barely keep back the tears. “I shouldn’t have done it.”

  “It’s done now.”

  Hutch sat silently as Evangeline sobbed onto his shoulder. His arm slipped around her as he gently rocked her. Evangeline had never let anyone see her cry like this, not since she had married Manchester. It had been six years before she had allowed anyone to comfort her during her sobs. She had always managed alone.

  Now she really did feel alone.

  “He’s going to get custody, isn’t he?” she whispered.

  Hutch sighed.

  “I’m afraid so. But we won’t stop there. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you don’t lose your son.”

  That set Evangeline off into more sobbing.

  Chapter 9

  The Truth Disclosed

  He had his son back. It hadn’t taken long for the judge to come back with the verdict that Richard would be put in his father’s custody and that Evangeline wo
uld not be permitted to see her son. Manchester should be celebrating but it felt like a hollow victory.

  And he knew why. It wasn’t everything he wanted. He had his son, but he wanted Evangeline as well. However, Manchester couldn’t bring himself to take his wife back. Not after she lied to him. She refused to tell him why she left and she said she didn’t love him anymore. Manchester didn’t want to force someone to be with him.

  But wasn’t that what he was doing with Richard? Manchester pushed that out of his mind. It had to be done.

  Manchester came out of the courtroom at the same time as Evangeline. She had burst into tears when the judge gave his sentencing. Richard had screamed and tried to go to his mother but he had been held back. Evangeline had left as soon as the judge had, almost bumping into her husband. She gave Manchester a look that had him wishing he could take it all back before she hurried into the corridor. Manchester wanted to go after her but knew it wouldn’t do any good. The judge had made his decision.

  “Are you happy now?”

  Hutch was coming towards him. Manchester had seen his friend in the courtroom as well, sitting with Evangeline. He really was on his wife’s side. Manchester didn’t want to hear from him now.

  “I have my son back. Of course I am.”

  Why did that sound like a lie? Hutch snorted.

  “You may have your son back but you’ve ruined two lives in the process.”


  “Don’t be ridiculous. Evangeline and Richard. Evangeline will never see her son if you have a hand in it and Richard is being taken from his mother in the most brutal way. You think he’s going to love you after all that?”

  Manchester could tell it was going to be hard. But he could handle it. It was only the right thing to do.

  “I had to do it, Hutch.”

  “You had to.” Hutch shook his head with a scowl. “Your line of succession was more important than the people who are being ripped apart from each other.”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic.”