The Earl's Nemesis Read online

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  All this time, he had been patient by waiting for her to find the ‘right’ man. But now, he was losing his patience, especially now that he needed money badly.

  He could count about four suitors who had come for her hand in marriage within the last six months she had managed to reject them all. He knew he had been patient enough for both his wife and his daughter. Right now, he had far exceeded the level of his patience.

  He packed the papers in his hands. He knew that the older she grew, the more difficult it would be to get a suitor. It was time to take matters into his own hands. Perhaps, one more gamble should make him feel better.


  Barton sat in his chamber, staring at the letter in his hand. He couldn’t stop going through it since the past three days that he had received it.

  Dear brother,

  I trust you are in a good health. So a word is out that our old man is dead. I will be around before the end of the month to come take what is mine. Regards to our beautiful sister. All of us shall see soon.

  Till then.


  He couldn’t understand how someone could be so selfish but he was not a bit surprised, instead, he was disappointed. He had thought that the years that his brother had spent away from his family would at least make him a better man.

  Many years ago, when they were still children, Terrence was twelve years old while he was just ten. He had always been the black sheep of the family and their father had sent him away for his waywardness on the night he had beaten their sister. Since then, he had failed to step foot into their house. But now, after nineteen years, he has decided to come back, to take what was his.

  “My lord, are you feeling well?”

  He folded the letter as he heard the voice of his sister. He stood up.

  “Hello, sister.”

  Luanne stared at his hand. She could see the crumbled paper in his grip.

  “Are you still going over the letter?” she asked.

  “Of course, Luanne. Tell me why I would not do that. Apparently, our brother has not changed one bit,” he stated.

  Luanne sighed and walked closer to him. “My lord, I daresay now isn’t the time to talk about the waywardness of our brother or to argue on whether he has turned a new leaf or not. Now is the time to plan.”

  “Plan what exactly? I am not interested in getting married. I keep telling you.”

  “But you have no choice. Are you willing to give our brother everything that you have worked for?” Luanne demanded.

  Barton bit his lips. There was no way he would allow that.

  “Well, if that is the case, then I feel you need to calm down and let me handle this,” she said.

  After a moment, he calmed down. “So how do you suppose we handle this?”

  Luanne smiled. “Well, I think I have a plan.”

  He watched as Luanne sent for one of his servants, Isaac. When the young man got there, he bowed to the two of them.

  “My lady, you sent for me,” he said.

  “Yes, Isaac. I want you to go quickly to the law office. Ask Mr. Parrish to come immediately. Tell him, this is about what he discussed with me yesterday.”

  The lad nodded and left.

  “What is this about?” He asked.

  “Well, my lord, I did say I have a plan, you need not bother yourself. All that is required of you, is to put your faith in me,” Luanne said with a smile.

  Chapter 3

  Her Embarrassment:

  His Luck

  Theodosia was busy reading in the garden but she was finding it difficult to concentrate. There was a disturbing noise coming from somewhere she could barely place. It sounded as if several people were engaged in an argument but she was certain that it could not be coming from the house.

  “Sophie, what noise is that?” she asked her maid who was sitting with her.

  “I do not know, miss. Would you like me to find out for you?” Sophie asked.

  “Yes, please, do,” Theodosia replied.

  Sophie stood up and headed out of the garden while Theodosia went back to her reading. Shortly after, Sophie came back, she looked worried.

  “Pray, tell me what the matter is. It is not that awful, or is it?” Theodosia asked.

  “Well, miss, I’m afraid your father is causing all the noise.”

  Theodosia frowned. “Do say again.”

  “Well, your father has arranged a gambling table for men and there are about twenty men in the courtyard, betting and swearing.”

  Theodosia gasped. She couldn’t believe that after everything that her father was putting them through, he still went ahead to gamble some more, and worse, he was doing it right in their home.

  “Where is my mother?” she inquired.

  “I do not know, my lady. I didn’t see her.”

  Quickly, Theodosia walked out of the garden while Sophie ran after her.

  When she got into the house, the noise increased. She walked to the courtyard and there she found several men just like her maid had said. The worst part of it was that her father seemed to be drunk. One question on her mind was that, where was her mother when all this was going on?

  She left in search of her mother whom she found in her chamber, busy knitting.

  “What in the devil’s name are you doing, Mother, when the house is about to collapse?” she demanded, in a horrified voice.

  Instead, her mother looked up slightly and said nothing.

  “I do not understand how you can be calm about this. Father is gambling again after everything!”

  Her mother looked up one more time, sighed, and kept on knitting.

  Theodosia was confused. What had gotten into her mother?

  “Mother, please, I beg of you, do something. Say something,” she pleaded, rushing to her mother and kneeling beside her.

  Finally, her mother spoke. “My darling daughter, what do you suggest I do? Your father barely listens to me anymore. Arguing with him is a waste of time and energy,” she said calmly and continued. “I’d rather allow him do what he wants to do. Who knows? Maybe he could be lucky this time and finally win some decent money.”

  Theodosia gaped at her mother. She couldn’t understand what was happening but when she realized that her mother wasn’t going to do anything, she left.

  While she descended the stairs, she was approached by the butler, Mr. Jones. He was a man in his early seventies and all the hair of his head was powdered white.

  “Excuse me, miss,” he said to her. “A man seeks your father.”

  “Send him to the courtyard, he must be one of his gambling friends,” Theodosia said with a languid interest.

  “No, I assure you, he is not. He happens to be one of the humble servants of the Earl of Baton.”

  Theodosia stopped in her tracks. She has heard the name before. “Well, this sounds quite important.”

  “I suppose it is, miss,” Jones replied.

  “Alright, take me to him right away.”

  Minutes later, Theodosia was standing in front of the young lad who bowed slightly on seeing her.

  “I was told you seek my father, sir?”

  “Yes, miss. Pray, tell where I can find him.”

  “Do come with me.”

  Together they both walked towards the courtyard.

  “There he is,” Theodosia said, pointing to her father who was clearly drunk and who had spotted her.

  “Do you wish to go another round, Harold or would you give up now?” one of the men asked while the others laughed.

  “Never!” shouted her father. “I have one more thing to bet on,” he said, standing up.

  “What other thing could you possibly bet on?” asked one of the men.

  “Maybe, his life,” shouted another. “It is worthless after all.”

  “Well, you may be right about my life,” said her father. “But I have something valuable and beautiful that I am willing to give away to anyone who beats me on this next round.”

  “Hear! Hea
r!” shouted another.

  “What is that?” asked another.

  “I give you my daughter!” her father shouted loud and clear, pointing towards her. Everywhere grew silent at once.

  Theodosia thought she had heard wrongly. Did her father just use her to bet?

  “She is indeed beautiful. I shall go the next round and hope to acquire this damsel for myself!” one of the men shouted and then another, the noise started all over again.

  Theodosia frowned, she faced the man that had come with her but couldn’t find him anymore. Seconds later, she rushed out of the place.


  “You are back so early, Isaac. And, where is the man whom I asked you to fetch?” Luanne asked as she saw the servant.

  “My lady, Indeed I did see him but I was unable to talk to him,” Isaac replied.

  “May I ask why?”

  “My lady, forgive what I’m about to say but days back, I overheard you talking to my lord about getting a wife for him, and upon arriving there, I discovered something strange and delightful which would make things easy for you.”

  Luanne was confused. She stood up from where she sat. On a normal day, she ought to reprimand the servant for eavesdropping but, she decided to keep that for later. “What did you find out?”

  “Mr. Parrish is presently holding a gambling party in his residence and what more is that he has chosen to give the hand of his daughter in marriage to any man who could beat him at his own game.”

  Luanne’s brows were raised. “Is this so, Isaac?”

  “Yes, my lady, upon my life.”

  “This lady, did you happen to see her?” Luanne asked, getting more excited by the turn of event.

  “Indeed, for she took me to her father herself. She is a most charming young lady,” Isaac said.

  “Ah!” said Luanne, nodding her head. “What a beautiful turn of event. Hold on while I go fetch the Earl. We must make use of this grand opportunity.”


  “Sister, I do not think this a wise decision,” Barton grumbled. He was in his room, thinking about how to get a wife quickly within the next two months but his sister had interrupted him with a plan he considered as being preposterous.

  “My lord, I believe this shall bring all our worries to an end. I beg of you, think this through. Right from childhood, you have never lost a game of gambling. I believe you shall win both the game and the woman’s hand in marriage. At the same time, you get the chance to keep the properties that you have labored for.”

  He was quiet. His sister was right, perhaps he could try his luck.

  “Alright sister, I shall do what you would have me do.”


  “To think that my own father would hand me away to one of those insensible men at the table makes my heart grieve. What have I done to deserve such an unkind man as a father?” Theodosia cried to her maid.

  They were both in her chamber.

  “It was a shameful thing for me when I heard him utter such, Sophie. I could not take it; I fled the place.”

  Sophie was quiet. Theodosia knew that the young lady was unsure on how to make her feel better. While she kept talking, there was a knock on the door. The ladies exchanged glances.

  “Answer it,” Theodosia said to Sophie.

  When Sophie opened the door, it was Mr. Jones.

  “Your father wishes to speak with you, miss,” he said to her from the door.

  Theodosia inhaled a sharp breath. “I wonder what it will be this time.”

  She followed the butler downstairs where she found her father and mother waiting. The men had left and everywhere was quiet. Her mother was, however, uneasy and her father was looking as if she had something in his mind.

  “What is the problem this time?” she asked, facing her father.

  “Well, dear daughter, I am delighted to announce that you shall be leaving the house soon,” he said.

  Theodosia could not see the delight in his face. “Leave the house, to go where, Father?” she asked, looking at her mother for an explanation.

  “For your fiance’s house,” her father blurted. “He has won the game and thereby, he has won your hand in marriage. He has gone back home but will be coming tomorrow morning for you. I wish I had never been that drunk, he is a wealthy man who could have paid a ton for your hand. But I did not think someone of his caliber would show up.”

  Theodosia was horrified. She looked at her mother again for a better explanation but there was none. So horrified and disappointed was she that she burst into tears and ran up the stairs.

  Chapter 4

  First Encounter

  Barton Estates

  “I believe congratulations are in order, Lord Barton,” Luanne said, raising her glass.

  Barton smiled. “I was lucky,” he replied. It was late in the evening and he had gone back to his castle. He and his sister were in the courtyard.

  “So, did you at least see the damsel?” Luanne asked.

  He shook his head. “No, I couldn’t see her. The lawyer said to come for her in the morning.”

  “Well, Isaac spoke of her beauty, hence I believe we shall not be disappointed,” she said and stood up. “Rest now my lord while I make preparations for the incoming wife. Oh! I am so delighted! Everything is going as planned!”

  Barton watched as his sister left. Even though he was relieved that he would get a wife who may help him retain his properties, a part of him was jittery. What if she hated him? What if she was not his match?

  He stood up, draining the content in his glass. Tomorrow, he would get the answers to everything.

  Parrish Quarters

  Theodosia watched as Sophie was busy packing her things in the bag. She knew that this was really happening; she was leaving her father’s house for the unknown. It was still a shock for her that her father could decide to give her away, just like that.

  She inhaled sharply. There was only one thing on her mind, and that was that she hoped that her husband-to-be would not be someone like her father. Still, she doubted that. If he had won her hand through gambling, then he must be a gambler just like her father.

  “Miss, are you still thinking?” Sophie asked.

  “What better thing do I do if not to think, Sophie? I am being forced out of my father’s house to go to a place I do not even know.”

  Sophie dropped what she was doing and walked closer to her. She held her hands.

  “I believe that everything would be better if you would just see this in a positive light.”

  “How? Tell me how, Sophie.”

  “You have always wanted to leave your father’s house. You have always craved an adventure which would sweep you off your feet. Maybe this is your chance to get everything you want.”

  Theodosia was quiet; she really hoped that Sophie was right.


  Harold kept pacing to and fro, busy murmuring. He had been really reckless and drunk. All his plans had gone down the drain.

  Elizabeth was still busy knitting quietly.

  “I shouldn’t have done what I just did,” he kept on murmuring to himself. “I would have made lots of money if I had not been stupidly drunk. Who would have thought that the Earl would come?”

  “After everything, you ended up losing,” Elizabeth said, without looking up.

  “I should have been a wee-bit more patient Lizzy. What do I do? I cannot give my daughter to such a man freely? The town would mock me!”

  “Well, then, that should serve you right. You never asked me what you should do before you ended up using our daughter in a bet, now you are asking me what you should do. I’m afraid I cannot help you.”

  Harold watched as his wife stood up and walked out of the room. He knew he was in so much trouble. He had carefully planned everything, especially, knowing full well what the earl had left in his will for his son. He had hoped that he could give his daughter in hand to him in marriage so that he could at least retain his properties. Now, not only would he be getting
his daughter freely, he would still get to keep his properties.

  He walked to a nearby seat and sat down. He needed to do a deep thinking. There should be a way around it.


  A knock sounded on the door. Both Theodosia and Sophie exchanged glances. One thing Theodosia was certain of, was that it would never be her father. She couldn’t even bear to look at him that moment.

  “Go open the door,” she said to Sophie.

  Sophie opened the door and Theodosia was surprised to see her mother. She wasn’t happy to see her.

  “Sophie, leave us,” said her mother and Sophie left. After this, her mother walked over to where she was lying on the bed.

  “I know you are not happy with me,” her mother started. “I would be angry if I were you as well. Nevertheless, I hope you would forgive me, I didn’t know what to do. Your father was behaving irrationally and was not listening to me.”

  “Mother, you didn’t make any effort to stop him,” Theodosia stated. “I still remember the look on your face when I came to your room, asking you to do something.”

  Her mother smiled. “You must know, that when someone has been trying something for far too long and it refuses to yield, one gets tired easily. That was the case with what happened earlier. I was fed up.”

  “And now, I hope you are happy that your daughter is being shipped off to an unknown place.”

  Her mother smiled. “I am happy because you would be leaving your father very soon. I have confidence that your husband shall treat you with the love and respect that you deserve and hopefully, you would get the fairytale love that you have always craved.”

  Theodosia was quiet, especially now that her mother had tears in her eyes.

  “Everything will be just fine. Luck has found you dear, you are not going to marry just anybody, you are marrying the Earl of Barton.”

  When Theodosia heard this, she gasped. “The Earl of Barton?”

  Her mother smiled and nodded. “Yes, dear. I have heard so much about him and I know that he is a reputable man. I hope you will give him a chance to take a very good care of you.”