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The Earl's Nemesis



  Grace Fletcher

  Copyright © 2019 by Grace Fletcher.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


  Chapter 1 A Debt and a Proposal

  Chapter 2 A Plan

  Chapter 3 Her embarrassment: His luck

  Chapter 4 First Encounter

  Chapter 5 Settling Down

  Chapter 6 Unexpected Visitor

  Chapter 7 Getting Along

  Chapter 8 Interesting Things

  Chapter 9 Secret Arrangments

  Chapter 10 Damsel in Distress

  Chapter 11 Saving the Day


  Chapter 1

  A Debt and a Proposal

  Parrish Quarters

  Harold Parrish stared at the letters in front of him. It was still unimaginable how he had ended up owing so much within just a couple of days.

  “I fear there must have been some sort of foul play in this,” he said to his wife who was staring at him with cold anger.

  “The only foul play here, husband is that you have doomed us all!” Elizabeth Parrish cried. “Your intolerable addiction has finally brought us to our doom. Harold, how could you do this to us? I cannot bear to think that you would finally bring such a great misfortune to myself and your innocent daughter!”

  Harold Parrish stood up from where he sat. He was lost in thought and doing some fast thinking. Yet his wife kept on wailing. He turned to her, holding her by the hands.

  “I beg your forbearance and I pray you forgive me, Elizabeth. I assure you, everything will be fine.”

  “This is an ungracious behavior, Harold, and I daresay is unforgivable. One of the debtors has threatened to come for your daughter if the debt is not duly paid. How do you plan to make this right?”

  “Calm down, woman!” he said to her. “I have great hopes on making this right. If you would but just allow me to think a little. I assure you that this misfortune of ours will soon turn into a great fortune!”

  “I do not care what you have to do, Harold,” Elizabeth said, standing up. “Your daughter and I shall not be part of your dangerous schemes!”

  “Upon my word,” he swore to her. He desperately needed her to calm down. Elizabeth said nothing more but instead left the room.

  Harold inhaled a quick breath. He took another glance at the six letters on the table. How could a man end up owing so much with a few days of gambling? Perhaps there had actually been a major foul play, he thought to himself. He picked up the letters one after the other and began to go through them; he hoped to find a mistake of some sort. After going through them twice, he realized there was not a single bit of mistake.

  Finally, he leaned back on his chair, busy thinking on how to find his way out of it. While he was doing this, his eyes fell on a box on his second table. At first, he fought the urge of opening it but seeing the letters on the table pushed him to stand up.

  He first of all emptied the content of the box which included some files. ‘HUDSON’ was boldly marked on each of the files in a blue ink. When he got to the last file, he separated it from the rest, and then walked back to his seat.

  He opened the file on his lap. In it was a white paper that contained some information and written at the top was ‘The Will.’

  His lips twisted into a mischievous grin. “This will be easier than I thought,” he said to himself as he continued reading.


  Barton Estates

  Charles Hudson, the Earl of Barton, dismounted from his horse with the help of one of his servants.

  “Thank you, Isaac,” he said to him, patting the young lad lightly on his shoulder. He had just gone on a quick ride to clear his head.

  “So, any message for me?” he asked Isaac who was preparing to take the horse to the stable.

  “Yes, brother. There is a message for you,” said a female voice.

  Barton turned around to see his younger sister, Luanne. She was a beautiful reincarnation of their late mother, especially with the red hair and green eyes. He had taken after their father’s brown hair and blue eyes.

  He was astonished to see her, as on a normal day, she would still be at her music class. Luanne said nothing but instead chose to walk closer to him, he noticed a folded letter in her hand. Aside this, she looked really disturbed.

  “What are you doing home so early, sister? Pray tell me all is well.”

  “I fear all is not well, brother,” she said as he got to her. She handed him the letter and when he saw the name of the addressee, the muscles on his face tightened. His brother whom he had not seen close to about fifteen years would be coming home, and not only that, he wanted to come home to claim his properties.


  Some minutes later, they were both in the house. While Barton paced to and fro, Luanne remained calm in her seat.

  “What do we do?” she finally asked.

  He said nothing. His face was still hardened. He could not imagine that his brother would choose to come home after being away for so long. The worst part of it was that, Terrence had written in the letter that he was coming to take back that which was his.

  Terrence was their oldest brother who had been banished from the family many years ago, since their childhood. He had chosen to stay away till the demise of their father; now he was coming back to claim their father’s properties. If he could decide to come home just because of that, then Barton knew that his older brother had not changed one bit. He was still a selfish, arrogant, and dangerous man.

  “Shall I call the lawyer?” Luanne finally asked.

  He looked at her without giving a reply. Ever since their father died six months ago, he had told Mr. Parrish to hold on to the will; he was not yet certain that he wanted to go through it. He just wanted everything to be as it used to be. However, with what his brother had just said in the letter, he knew that soon, he would have a struggle in his hands.


  Parrish Quarters

  Miss Theodosia, the only child and daughter of Harold and Elizabeth Parrish sat in the garden, reading from a novel in her hand. Her maid, Sophie, sat behind her, busy knitting. Theodosia was twenty-two years old but yet to be married. She never believed in having an arranged marriage. Instead, she believed in love, and for this reason, she had promised herself not to settle for anything less. She and her father had never gotten along well, but she was very close to her mother. She was also a very beautiful lady who was never tired of making peace between her mother and her father.

  She smiled as she got to the ending of the book in her hand, then she finally closed it.

  “Oh! That was such a delight to read,” she said to her maid.

  “You are done with it already?” Sophie asked.

  “Yes, Sophie. I am done. You would never believe what happened at the ending,” she said excitedly. Most times, she would narrate what she was reading to her maid.

  “Anything different from the usual? Where the prince and the princess lived happily ever after?” the maid inquired.

  Theodosia lau
ghed. “Well, you are right of course,” she replied and then sighed. “I love happily ever after. I hope to find mine someday.”

  “I believe you shall, miss,” Sophie replied. She was just seventeen years old and was likewise Theodosia’s closest friend.

  “I’m afraid, father is getting rather impatient. I fear he may decide to ship me off to a total stranger. He keeps talking of my marriage every day.”

  “Well, your mother is making him see reason why they need to wait for you to find a suitable man for yourself,” Sophie replied.

  “I know, Sophie but, each day, I’m filled with this strange feeling that he is perhaps tired of me living under his roof.”

  “Do not think that, miss. A father cannot be tired of his own daughter.”

  “You know so little of my father. If he keeps having money problems, then things will never get better. His gambling is making things worse every day. Mother keeps complaining. I find it difficult to grasp why he just doesn’t want to change. Why is he so stubborn?”

  Sophie smiled but was quiet.

  “If not for anything, I wish to leave the house for my father. Maybe being shipped away with a total stranger may not be that terrible. As long as I get to leave this house.”

  As they kept on talking, her mother approached. When she saw the look on her mother’s face, she turned to her maid. “Leave us, Sophie.”

  Sophie nodded and excused herself.

  Quickly, Theodosia ran to her mother. “Mother, what is it?” she asked, impatiently.

  “Your father,” her mother replied.

  Theodosia sighed and asked, “What has he done this time?”

  She listened as her mother began to recount all that happened. When Theodosia heard everything, she was mad.

  “Where is he?” she demanded.

  “At the Barton estate, the earl sent for him,” her mother replied.


  Barton Estates

  Barton and Luanne exchanged glances as they heard everything the lawyer had just read to them. It had been stated in the will that Barton could not own the properties unless he found himself an heir before his thirtieth birthday. Other than that, his brother could come after his thirtieth birthday to claim the properties.

  “Are you certain that my father had written that?” he asked the lawyer again.

  “Yes, my lord,” Harold, the lawyer replied. He handed Barton the file.

  Luanne and her brother went through the information and realized he was speaking the truth.

  “But why would father do this to me? To us?” he asked his sister.

  Luanne clearly had nothing to lose, even though either of the brothers would inherit the properties, she had the chance to share with whoever finally got the properties.

  “My lord, I am quite certain that father had a good intention for writing that in his will,” she said.

  Barton stood up angrily. “Pray, tell me what intention that could be!”

  “He wants you to marry before your next birthday, brother! You are just twenty-nine, how terrible could that be?”

  “But I do not have the interest at heart. I would not be compelled into marriage!”

  Luanne sighed as Barton walked out of the house. She faced Lawyer Parrish and said, “Mr. Parrish, thank you for everything, you may leave while I talk to my brother.”

  The lawyer tied the files together and put them in the bag he had brought. Then he stood up.

  “I trust your intelligence, my lady. I hope you will succeed in convincing your brother that your father only meant well. Be it as it may, if you need any help in finding a suitable wife for him, I will be much obliged to-” his voice trailed off with the cold stare Luanne sent him.

  “Have a nice evening,” he said quickly and left.


  Some minutes later, Luanne was alone in the house. She knew that her brother had gone riding. That was the only thing he did anytime he needed to clear his mind or escape something.

  She wasn’t a bit angry with what their father had done—as a matter of fact, she simply loved it.

  “Here is your tea, my lady,” said Anne, one of the maids. She placed the tea on the table and was about to leave.

  “Do stay, Anne,” Luanne said.

  “Very well, my lady.”

  “I beg of you, I shall be asking you few questions and nothing would gladden me more than to hear the simple truth from you.”

  The young lady nodded.

  “Tell me, has my brother been seeing any lady recently?”

  The maid flushed in embarrassment. “Not that I know of, my lady.”

  “So, all the time I was away, he never received any female guest?” Luanne asked again. She had traveled to visit a distant aunt some weeks ago and had spent about three weeks.

  “None my lady,” Anne replied.

  “Thank you, you may leave,” Luella said, and the maid left.

  Luella sighed. There was only one way to handle this, she may need to find her brother a wife before it is too late.

  Chapter 2

  A Plan

  Harold tossed on his bed. He was finding it difficult to sleep. Another letter had just arrived for him the previous night. The thought of his debts was giving him a sleepless night. His mind went to Lord Baton’s will… if only his sister would reason along with him.

  Quickly, he stood up from the bed. His wife who was lying beside him stirred.

  “Anything the matter, Harold?” she asked.

  He feigned a smile. “Nothing to worry about, dear,” he stated. He grabbed his robe and was heading towards the doors.

  “Is this related to the letter that came in last night?” she asked.

  Harold knew he had been caught. He turned to his wife, deliberating on whether to tell the truth or whether not to.

  “Harold, say something!”

  “I told you, dear inquisitive wife, that you need not subject yourself to a needless worry. There is no cause for alarm, I assure you,” he said, heading towards the door again.

  “You have not answered the question!” Elizabeth said sternly.

  After thinking for a while, he said nothing but opened the door and left.


  Theodosia flipped to another page. She was busy reading and was sitting on her favorite chair in the courtyard. She desperately wanted to finish the novel in her hand and for that reason, had risen very early. She didn’t want to be disturbed while reading during the day. It was still some minutes before five in the morning so she was surprised when she heard a movement. Someone was coming to the courtyard.

  She desperately hoped it would not be her father, but she was disappointed when she sighted him. He also looked surprised to see her.

  “Good morning, father,” she said politely, rising to her feet.

  “Morning, daughter,” he bellowed. “Why are you awake by this time?” he asked, eyeing the novel in her hand.

  “I needed to do a light reading,” she replied, feeling a bit uneasy with the cold stare he was giving the book in her hand.

  “I see,” he replied, taking a seat.

  Theodosia did the same. The truth was that she and her father had never got along. No matter how they tried. There was something about him which she could not quite place. She managed to go back to her book but she could hardly concentrate.

  “So, have you finally decided on when you are getting married?” he asked.

  She sighed, rolling her eyes. “No, father. I am still not ready.”

  He frowned. “Is this what all these books are doing to you? Making you unreasonable?”

  “No, father,” she replied, trying hard to control her nerves.

  “So, pray tell me. Why would someone as old as you are, still not be ready to get married?”

  She thought for a while and replied, “Perhaps maybe because my father keeps gambling all his time away.”

  This made him quiet, and she knew she had managed to infuriate him.

  “Oh! I see, your m
other has told you about the money problem, has she not?”

  “Yes, father, as a matter of fact, she has. Don’t you think it’s about time you stopped this shameless act of yours?” she demanded.

  “Ah! I can see that you are such an ingrate! Daughter!” her father said back. “All your peers are married and yet you see it necessary to talk to your father in such an impolite manner. Your time is far spent in this house and mark my words, you are going to leave this house one way or another. Your dowry is enough to settle my debts!”

  “You are sending your daughter away, just because you think her dowry is enough to settle your debts? Father! What a thing to say!”

  “I am the head of this house and I shall not be disrespected by anyone! Especially not by an ungrateful child who is twenty-two years old and still live with her parents!”

  “Harold!” shouted Elizabeth. She had just come in.

  He could see the horror on her face. “How could you say such a preposterous thing to our daughter?”

  “Well, then, talk to your daughter!” he shouted at her before standing to his feet and leaving both ladies.

  Theodosia looked at her mother and burst into tears. “How could he speak to me like that?”

  Her mother walked closer to embrace her. “I believe your father is under a lot of pressure, he didn’t mean everything he said.”

  “You and I know that he did, Mother,” Theodosia sniffed before her mother pulled away. Concern was written all over face.

  “I can hardly understand your father these days. I cannot pretend that I am not surprised his recent attitude. He has changed and I do not know how to address it. All the gambling he does has put him into lots of debt and I worry for your sake and my sake. I daresay he is becoming more frightening to me

  “So, what do we do, Mother?” Theodosia asked.

  “I do not know yet, my dear child but everything will be fine.”


  Harold was back in his study. He was going through some papers in his hands and at the same time was fuming. He was right by calling her an ingrate. What other word would suit a child who refused to get married just because she had a high expectation of whom to marry?